^^ ... it has been a long time since last year we dint held a BBQ dinner 2gether~~
As the title mentioned, it was a CELEBRATION!!! hahaha!!! y is it so?!
because there are too much of things that we must celebrate for!!! the party is designed for we all!!hahaaha!!
okok.... lets start with our
JOEY - we celebrated Joey's last day of his work!!yeah!! ~ and he is starting his new
semester tis week!!!JOey is back!!!kakaka!! congratulations!~~
DUTDUT a.k.a lai ling - She FINALLY pass all of her final semester's subjects (haha...no
offence : p) and she can go for her degree now!!!! (d day she knw her
result, she keep staying in d high situation (by herself only) sit there
alone also will laugh! CHeers~~
Y3n a.k.a cassie (kc :p) & Wei Wei - both of them are celebrate for their gud results and finally
they are now in their last sem of their course!!! yeah~~
Dash - eh,,,,tis creature celebrates for his new semester also!!ntg special ...juz a normal
creature! kakakkakaka!!
Pao - erm....wat i celebrated ???bday over, not yet graduate, dint win a prize in lottery.....wat
else?! haha!!i celebrated for my CUMING SOON final exam!! hehehe!! pray for me pls!
Jonathan - hahha!!same as me!! both of us final exam is jz around d corner! lets fight 2gether!
wish u n myself GUD LUCK in the exam!!!!yeah~~~
Fong a.k.a Belle - erm~~wat fong fong celebrate le?!ok...she ard Graduated from her pro make
-up course!!! and also...celebrate for her 1st job which end after 3days!
Soon seng - hm.....he is celebrated for his cuming 20th birthday!!!!hahaha! his Jolin is cuming...